Project Description
Date 12.2019 / 02.2020 / 09.2020
A) Design of Posters for the civil gathering "Cabildo Chilenos en Basel" due to the October political crisis in Chile
B) Design of Poster for the civil gathering "Fonda Chilena en Basel 2020" ("Chilean Inn in Basel 2020")
A) Diseño de afiches para reuniones civiles "Cabildo Chileno en Basel" a causa de la crisis política de Octubre en Chile
B) Diseño de afiche para reuniones civiles "Fonda Chilena en Basel"
Poster, A4 and Brochure Formats
(ISO 216 international paper size: A Series Format)
Cabildo 2: Photo retouching of Guayasamín art, Layout and Editorial Design
Cabildo 3: Handmade drawing, Layout and Editorial Design
Fonda 2020: Photomontage, Layout and Editorial Design
Chilean Non Profit Organization
Cabildo 2: Sociedade Galega Sementeira, Basel
Cabildo 3: Café con Letras, Basel